Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Abraham's Legacy

The other evening I saw the film, End of the Spear, based on the book of the same name by Steve Saint. Steve's father Nate and four other men were speared to death in their attempt to make contact with a remote people in the jungles of Ecuador in 1952. Steve, who was a young boy at the time would years later become close friends with the man who killed his father.

This movie is a moving account of the lives of those who were willing to sacrifice everything that others may come to know the love of God in Yeshua. This is Abraham's legacy.

God told Abraham that through him all the families of the world would be blessed (Bereshit / Genesis 12:3). Yeshua said that Abraham was glad to see his day (John 8:56). I think this included the turning of the native peoples of Ecuador to his God.

That the nations of the world would come into loving relationship with the God of Israel is Abraham's legacy - the legacy of the people of Israel even though most of us are not aware of it.

Viewing this film was a powerful reminder to me that God's ways are not our own. It was the missionaries' demonstration of faith and love that put an end to a vengeful, murderous cycle of death.

The sooner the people of Israel come to understand this same love and faith, the sooner we will experience our God-given destiny, and the sooner we will all experience lasting peace.

End of the Spear is now available in DVD. We were able to rent it from our local video store.

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