Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Requests or Commandments

I have often heard people refer to God's direction in their lives as his asking them to do this or that. These people believe, rightly so, that God does communicate to us directly. But what I picture when I hear this sort of thing is God being something like a company president calling an employee into their office and offering them an important assignment. While they know that it is best to accept, the choice is still theirs.

If I were to picture what God's directives were really like, it would be that of an army commander giving orders that must be followed.

Since when does God ask us to do things? All throughout the Bible he gives commands, not requests. God is not our Executive Director, but Lord, Master, and King.

Commandments are not just an Old Covenant concept, for Yeshua said, "If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love" (John 15:10 ).

I am not saying that we may not struggle in our need to obey God's words to us. That obedience does not come easy is evident in the lives of Moses, David, Elijah, and others, including Yeshua himself. But that God expects to be obeyed is not questioned.


Cindy in Wisconsin said...

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate this post! I'm keeping a copy of it for myself and will put a link to it on my own blog. I do get Torahbytes each week, too, and appreciate your insights a great deal. May the grace of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah be with you!

Alan Gilman said...

Thanks, Cindy, for your kind words.
